Can dental implants cause health issues?

Dental implants have a high success rate of around 95% and lead to a higher quality of life for many people. However, dental implants can cause complications, such as infections, gum recession, and nerve and tissue damage.

Can dental implants cause health issues?

Dental implants have a high success rate of around 95% and lead to a higher quality of life for many people. However, dental implants can cause complications, such as infections, gum recession, and nerve and tissue damage. With dental implants, there is a small risk of contracting an infection where the implant is placed. If you have nerve damage, it can cause pain, numbness, or tingling.

May affect natural teeth, gums, lips, or chin. There are several reasons why dental implants can fail. They include peri-implantitis (inflammation of the gums around the implant), lack of osseointegration, which means the bone doesn't reach the implant, and problems resulting from bad habits, such as teeth grinding. Peri-implantitis, or peri-implant disease, is a form of gum disease related to dental implants.

As with common gum disease, it's related to poor oral hygiene, poor health, and certain habits you may have. You may have peri-implantitis if you don't have good oral hygiene. Bacteria can enter cracks between teeth and implants. This can cause inflammation, bleeding, infection, and bone loss.

Certain lifestyle habits can also worsen peri-implantitis. To reduce the risk of complications, avoid drinking alcohol, using drugs and smoking. There are different reasons why you may have bone loss on implants. Bacterial infections, such as peri-implantitis, can destroy bone, you may put too much pressure on the implants, or you may grind or clench your teeth.

Poor oral hygiene can also lead to bone loss. If that happens, it's very painful and could mean you have to have another procedure. It is imperative to follow the dentist's dietary instructions during this time. You may need to eat very soft foods or follow a liquid diet until osseointegration occurs.

Knowing your potential risks, they can help you take steps to improve your chances of getting a successful implant. If your dentist determines that your implants will continue to be unsuccessful, dentures are usually the next option. For some people, being more confident, having natural looking teeth and being able to enjoy all their favorite foods outweigh the very small risk of titanium-related health problems. You may have damage or injury to the structures that surround the implant, such as other teeth or blood vessels.

Dental implants are still a relatively new operation, and some people may wonder if dental implants have any long-term risks or effects that they should be aware of. If a metal implant causes the development of an autoimmune disorder, removing the implant usually improves symptoms. Louis, MO, offers incredible value for its patients, with some of the highest quality implants in the world. Existing long-term studies on dental implants show that they are safe and effective for the vast majority of people, although there are always some risks.

There is a need to better understand the risk factors associated with metal surgical implants in patients undergoing treatment with dental implants, as well as joint replacement surgery. The increase in the life expectancy of the population requires the design of implant biomaterials that demonstrate minimal detrimental effects on host tissues. If you are allergic to titanium, you may consider getting dental implants made of zirconium. Institute of Dental Medicine, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and Prague General University Hospital, Kateřinská 32, Prague 2 121 11, Czech Republic.

You'll have regular follow-up visits so they can check your implant and make sure your teeth and gums are healthy. .

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